City of Philadelphia As of October 1, 2021, single-use plastic bags and non-recycled content paper bags are officially prohibited. This includes any bag created through a “blown film extrusion process”, bags less than 2.25 mils thick, bags made from PLA, and paper bags containing less than 40% recycled content.
Other PA Cities & Municipalities Plastic bag regulations vary from county to county in Pennsylvania. Please check with your local government before purchasing bags.
EXEMPTIONS: Dry cleaner bags, bags sold in packages (ie. garbage, pet waste, yard waste), bags used in retail to deliver perishable items to the point of sale (ie. bulk items, meat, fish, prepared foods, bakery goods, flowers, etc.)
Statewide-ban on Plastic Bags: Starting May 4, 2022, plastic bags—regardless of thickness—are banned at grocery stores and retail outlets. For grocery stores larger than 2,500 sq. ft., paper bags are also banned.
Reusable carryout bags must be made of polypropylene, PET non-woven fabric, nylon, cloth, hemp, or other fabric; have stitched handles (thread or ultrasonic); and be designed for 125 reuses, at least.
EXEMPTIONS: Bags used to contain uncooked meat/fish, loose items, live animals, sliced or prepared foods, laundry, pharmacy, newspaper, and other similar bags.
Polystyrene foam foodservice products are also being banned from all businesses in New Jersey that sell or provide food to customers.
EXEMPTIONS (until May 4, 2024): Disposable, long-handled soda spoons, portion cups of 2oz. or less, meat and fish trays, food products that are pre-packaged by manufacturer.
Single-use plastic straws are to be made available by request only, but can continue to be sold in packages at all stores.
Starting July 1, 2022, all retailers in Delaware are prohibited from providing plastic bags (made from film) at checkout. Restaurants are NOT subject to the ban.
Reusable bags or paper bags are acceptable alternatives. Reusable bags must have stitched handles, hold at least 4 gallons, be machine washable or can be cleaned, and be free of toxic materials.
EXEMPTIONS: Bags used for frozen foods, meat, fish, flowers, plats; bags containing live animals or used to transport chemicals; non-handled bags used to protect items before purchase; bags for unwrapped or loose food; laundry bags.
As of March 1, 2020, all plastic carryout bags are banned from distribution by anyone required to collect NY Sales Tax.
Reusable bags must be made of cloth or other machine washable fabric OR a durable material with handles that is designed for 125+ reuses. Bags must have at least one strap or handle and be able to carry at least 22 pounds over 175 feet.
EXEMPTIONS: Meat, seafood, prepared foods, flower, and bulk food bags; bags sold in bulk quantity; newspaper bags; food storage bags; garment bags; bags made of plastic for carryout or delivery; pharmacy bags.
Don’t see what you’re looking for or interested in ordering custom printed bags? Click the button below to email an expert. A member of our team will be in touch shortly to discuss your options.
Please note, lead time for custom printing is 20+ weeks.