Four Tips for Keeping Your Bakery Fresh

One of the oldest vocations we know is that of the baker, and the rules of baking that still apply today can be traced back to that very first loaf. Baking at its core is an “old school” craft, which is part of its appeal. Baking has the power to transport people through time, conjure up fond memories, and allow those who partake to enter a meditative state that few other professions can parallel.

That being said, our society continues to update, trends persist in changing daily, but you won’t find good bakeries falling behind. With a little innovation, and some creative flavor profiles we’re seeing bakeries all over the country transforming themselves into destinations. Even those who aren’t lucky enough to live near some of these exciting new bakeries are making pilgrimages in order to visit to satisfy their craving.

Social Media

If there’s one thing new school bakeries know how to do it’s take advantage of social media. They capitalize by focusing their efforts on the usual suspects: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and the crown jewel Instagram. These businesses know how important it is to post high-quality content consistently. Features like Facebook Live and Instagram Stories also allow businesses to show behind the scenes content. These updates are fun to see and genuine but often the day-to-day doesn’t fit in with a business’s carefully curated feed. The live option gives you a great way to share these more intimate types of videos and pictures with your audience without sacrificing your social media’s overall look or strategy.

Ditch the Refinement

Refined white flours and sugars are certifiably out of style. Try re-inventing some of your best recipes by replacing the unhealthy processed ingredients with heirloom grains or natural sweeteners. You may just be surprised at how exciting and different one of your old recipes can become when you start getting creative with ingredients. Not only is making the switch something different; it’s a great selling point as consumers are more interested in healthy options than ever before.

High-Quality Photography

They say we eat with our eyes first and nowhere is that truer than in the world of pastry. There is more color and whimsy in baked goods than in almost any other field – food related or otherwise. High-quality photos show off the beautiful details and attention to craft that might otherwise go unnoticed by the regular consumer. The most popular bakeries are not afraid to invest in the skills of a professional photographer and you shouldn’t be either.

Pro Tip: Although pastry is delicious and often beautiful, not everything a bakery produces is equally photogenic so be particular in deciding what to shoot. Only showcase your most attractive products.

Brick and Mortar and Beyond

Successful bakeries today have so much more going on than just their physical location. Today you’ll find that most bakeries also offer some form of online sales. Some, who haven’t graduated to an actual storefront are only conducting sales virtually. There is no quick key to hooking virtual sales.

Your business has to assess its products:

  • Do any of them stand up to travel well?
  • If not, how can you incorporate some recipes that do?
  • Do you have the necessary packaging?

To really test this you simply have to try these questions out for yourself. Creating recipes, tweaking existing formulas, and finally mailing your product to friends and family to see if they truly stand up to shipping. Once this process is done you’ll be able to confidently offer great products to customers you might never have reached before.

Consider doing a subscription option as well. Think cookie of the month club, house-made jam and preserve subscriptions etc. Be creative and don’t get stuck just thinking about food. Do you have a great logo? Put it on t-shirts and apparel. Self-publish your business’s favorite recipes in a cookbook or offer classes to those in your area. Armed with all our suggestions, start thinking about how to implement these ideas into your own business. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results.


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Hannah Abaffy

Pastry Chef & Recipe Development

Hannah Abaffy is a pastry chef and an active member of the culinary community. From working in kitchens to developing recipes, and creating menus for restaurants, she has been involved with food in one capacity or another for the past decade. After starting a food history blog, Hannah has been continuously writing and learning about the ever-changing realm of cuisine, its history, and its future. Since then her appetite to learn about and share all things that touch upon the world of food can only be described as voracious.

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