How Are You Taking Advantage of the To-Go Trend?
It’s no secret that we live in a fast-pace world where consumers want their food to move as fast as they do. They want quality meals that come to-go, so that they can eat wherever they want.
Undoubtedly, your business is already take advantage of this trend. Whether you’re a restaurant offering carry-out meals, or a supermarket, deli, or convenience store offering to-go options.
The question isn’t whether or not you’re participating in to-go, the question is are you fully capitalizing on this trend? Simply offering to-go options isn’t enough to cash in on this trend. You’re going to need to stand out from the competition. How do you accomplish that?
Presentation is Key
At PJP, we talk all the time about how presentation is everything. This is just as true for a fine-dining restaurant as it is for a convenience store. If you want your customers to buy your product, you have to present it in a way that makes them want to buy it and eat it. The way the food looks, particularly in the packaging, is going to effect that. Make sure that you have the right packaging for the job.
What packaging is the right for the job? As always, PJP is here to help.
What makes good packaging?
Obviously the answer to this question depends on a variety of factors. What kind of food are you putting in it? What is your overall “brand” and how will your packaging fit into that? How will your customers be interacting with the packaging? All valuable questions to ask before you choose the right container for your product.
But, ultimately, there are some constants when it comes to choosing the right to-go packaging. One of the most important things is making sure that, no matter what kind of food you’re selling, the packaging makes the food look good. If you can’t see the food in the packaging, or you you can, but it ends up looking more like mush than an appetizing meal, you’ve probably got the wrong container for the job. Like we said above, presentation is everything. Get something that makes you’re food look great.
Try Smart Tabs
One such option is WNA’s new Smart Tab Deli Containers. These containers offer some incredible benefits for super-markets, convenience stores, cafeterias, and more.
Firstly, these containers are tamper-evident. This means that the container guarantees freshness to your customers, because you can tell if the product has been opened. The great thing about Smart Tab containers is that they utilize a new kind of tamper evident technology that solves a lot of the problems present in existing tamper evident containers. Primarily, it reduces waste, is easier to open and close again, and get’s rid of unnecessary sharp edges. Not only that, but the containers are made of crystal-clear PET plastic that makes sure the food you store in it is the star of the show.
Got any other questions about to-go packaging? We want to hear them so that we can help! Don’t forget to ask in the comments below or on any of our social media accounts. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!
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