Your Kitchen Will Never Be The Same Again After You See This Machine
There are few places on earth as hectic as the kitchen of a busy restaurant during the dinner rush. Everyone is moving as fast as they can to get the food prepared and the dishes cleaned so that they can serve as many guests as quickly as possible. It’s a herculean task to get the job done every night.
As a business owner, you understand this, and you appreciate your kitchen staff immensely for the work they do. As an operator, it’s your responsibility to try to make the job as easy as you can for them, every night. You have to make sure they have the tools they need to get things done. Not only that, you should give them tools that are going to allow them the freedom, and the ability to take your menu to the next level. To set you apart from the competition.
That’s where PJP comes in.
We work diligently to stay ahead of the curve in the food service industry. We partner with top manufacturers and thinkers in the culinary world to make sure that we are on top of the latest trends, and more importantly, the latest tools. That’s why today we want to talk to you about the Pacojet.
What’s a Pacojet?
Simply put, a Pacojet is a machine unlike any other on the market. It takes fresh, frozen ingredients and micro-purees them under pressure to produce velvety-smooth mousses, soups, farces, sauces, and ice creams. They call this process “Pacotizing.” It’s so unlike anything any other machine does that they had to give the process its own name.
Aside from the “Pacotizing,” the Pacojet has other features that make it a useful machine in any kitchen, including chopping, cutting, mixing, and whipping. Not only that, but the Pacojet has self-cleaning capabilities making it easy to keep clean.
How does it work?
For the level of sophistication present in the Pacojet, it is a surprisingly easy machine to use. The basic principles are that you put the ingredients you desire to Pacotize into one of the beakers that comes with the machine. Then you apply a liquid ingredient such as juice, simple syrup, cream, broth, olive oil, or just plain water. The purpose of this is to ensure that the contents of the beaker can be frozen solid. The ingredients should be frozen to a temperature of -20 degrees Celsius (4 degrees Fahrenheit). The frozen beaker is then placed into the Pacojet, you indicate how many servings, and that’s it! You turn the machine on and it gives you the micro-pureed ingredients in minutes.
What are the applications?
The applications of the Pacojet system are nearly endless. The machine is perfect for creative culinary creations. You can find a ton of great recipes for inspiration on the Pacojet website. Because of the Pacojet’s size, it can be used in small or large kitchens all the same. The only thing a larger kitchen would need is more beakers for storing the frozen ingredients. For anyone looking to take their dishes to the next level, the Pacojet is something worth having.
Got any questions about the Pacojet? Any great recipe ideas? We want to hear them! We’d love to hear them! Don’t forget to share them in the comments below or on any of our social media accounts. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!
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