How much does flu season cost your company

How Much Does Flu Season Cost Your Company?

Nobody likes getting sick. It’s the worst. Even though you get to spend the day at home instead of at work, it’s usually not worth it because you feel so terrible. On top of that, you usually end up getting your loved ones sick as well. But there’s another aspect of illness that is awful, and it’s the costs.

Did you know that infectious diseases cost the U.S. $120 billion a year? That’s a lot of money. The simple truth is that illness is expensive, particularly for employers. Whenever an employee has to call out sick, it costs the business money. According to one study, the average company pays about $230 per employee, per year for unexpected absences due to illness.

Luckily, there are easy ways to reduce absenteeism due to illness, and the main way is making sure your workplace is properly sanitized. Our friend’s over at Clorox created a handy calculator that you can use to see how much money a properly sanitized office can save you as a business owner. Check it out below!

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Drew Gobrecht

Community Relations Manager

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