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6 Tips For Making Your Business More Green

Everyone at PJP loves the springtime. Not just because the sun shines longer, the weather gets warmer and the flowers start to bloom, but because springtime happens to have one our favorite holidays as a company. Earth Day!

That’s right, Earth Day is just a week away, and we can’t tell you how excited we are to celebrate the wonderful planet we live on. At PJP, we’ve always taken great pride in the communities we reside and work in. One of the biggest parts of our commitment to the community is making sure that we do business in a responsible way. Not just morally responsible, but environmentally responsible as well. For example, when we needed to build our state-of-the-art facility, PJP created a LEED Certified building that not only our people and customers could be proud of, but our surrounding community could be proud of as well. Earth Day is an opportunity for us to celebrate our commitment to the global community and to spread the message of environmental responsibility.

So, in honor of Earth day, we’ve decided to give you some awesome tips on how to make your business greener.

1) Use Compostable or Recyclable Disposable Products

Every year approximately 45,000 tons of plastic is dumped into the world’s oceans. Much of that waste comes from disposable plastic containers that are not compostable or recyclable. One of the easiest, and most impactful ways you can make your foodservice business greener is by using only recyclable or compostable food containers. PJP offers a lot of environmentally friendly options for foodservice disposables from companies such as Vegware and World Centric. Many of these products aren’t just recyclable themselves, but are also made using some recycled materials, which further reduces your carbon footprint.

A common misconception about products made from recycled material is that you are sacrificing some quality. This is simply not true. If you’ve got any questions about our eco-friendly disposable products just as your PJP sales rep.

2) Set Up A Food Waste Removal Service

One form of waste that is often overlooked is food waste. Since it’s not really “recyclable” most people overlook the fact that there are better options for food waste than just sending it to the land fill. There are a lot of great options in the Philadelphia area for food waste removal services. What many of these services do is collect your food waste and compost it, disposing of your waste in an environmentally friendly way.

3) Switch to Compact Fluorescent or LED Lighting

One of the easiest ways to save money and make your business greener at the same time is to make the switch to Compact Fluorescent or LED lighting. It is true that standards incandescent lightbulbs are cheaper at the store, once you take into account that CFL and LED bulbs are more energy efficient and last much longer you’ll realize that they can save a lot of money over time. That reduced energy cost is better for the environment and your wallet!

4) Use Energy Star Appliances

Energy Star appliances should be a no-brainer for any business with a kitchen, commercial or otherwise. These appliances allow consumers and business-owners alike to save a ton of money on their energy bills without sacrificing any quality in the equipment. If you’ve got an old piece of kitchen equipment, it may seem very expensive to replace, but if you replace it with an Energy Star Appliance, the savings that could generate in your utility bill could pay for itself in no time at all.

5) Host a Zero Waste Event

We’ve already written a whole blog post about about hosting Zero Waste events, but it’s still a really great way to make your business greener, especially if you’re hosting something on Earth Day! For those who haven’t read about it, a Zero Waste Event is an event in which at least 90% of all the waste generated by the event is either composted or recycled. The ultimate goal being that very little ends up being sent to landfills. The best part is that any sized event, from a small business lunch to an upscale gala, can be turned into a Zero Waste event. There are so many solutions available, it’s actually quite easy.

6) Buy From Local Vendors

One thing that a lot of people forget to consider when making the switch to greener business practices is the supply chain. How far a product has to travel to get to your business affects it’s overall carbon footprint, and therefore is definitely something worth considering. Being a part of said supply chain, PJP takes this kind of thing into account when working with local businesses. Our sales team can meet with you and discuss local vendors and suppliers to help reduce your businesses footprint.


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